Many have gone into the realm of higher consciousness through meditation.”
Larry Moen Biography “It isn’t who you are, it’s what you are.”
 “All questions are statements too.”
Larry Moen Biography “It isn’t who you are, it’s what you are.”
 “All questions are statements too.”
“There are over seven billion paths to Utopia.”
“There are over seven billion paths to Utopia.”
How To Meditate

1. Be Present

2. Stop all Thoughts

3. Sit quietly or Chant

Mindful presence without thought
is the key to successful meditation and inner wisdom.

Life itself is a meditation. Peeling the orange meditation, eating an apple meditation and thousands more.

The largest obstacles are thoughts of past, present and future.

Regain Your Seniority

Select a place that will be your special meditation spot everyday for one hour.

Remove rubber soled shoes because they prevent grounding. Leather soled shoes are okay but not as good as bare feet with socks. Socks keep feet warm, which allows good energy flow.

Sit with your back erect, feet flat on the floor and tongue touching the roof of your mouth.

Rest both hands on your knees palms up and choose a Mudra.

Visualize yourself as a large sturdy tree. See your roots grow beneath you deep into Earth. You are solidly grounded.

Say your birth name 3 times. 

Close your eyelids and stop all thoughts. 

At the one-hour conclusion begin the Gold Sun Rejuvenation

In your mind’s eye visualize a gold sun above your head. Allow the sun’s rays to go out and collect your energy wherever you left it. Maybe at work, at your family’s home, a place you visited or wherever you see it.

Now pull your sun’s rays back into your gold sun and watch it expand.  Allow your sun to engulf you, filling your body completely with gold light.

Any resistance may come from your Negative Emotional Body.
