Past life memories reside in your body’s aura.”
Larry Moen Biography Photo “It isn’t who you are, it’s what you are.”
“All questions are statements too.”
Larry Moen Biography Photo “It isn’t who you are, it’s what you are.”
“All questions are statements too.”
How To See Auras

1.  Have a person stand in front of a white wall facing you.

2.  Inhale eight seconds, hold eight seconds and exhale eight seconds.

3.  As you look at the person squint your eyes a little, kind of defocused.


A white wall is preferred but any light colored wall will do.

Have the person wear white or light colored clothing.

It helps if the person is well lit.

Breathing to the count of eight achieves Alpha state.

Remember to relax.

Have the person think of positive and or negative thoughts and watch for changes. A positive thought or observation will send positive chemicals through the body, which are projected into the aura.

Everyone is capable of seeing auras by shifting perspective and focus.

Some people are more kinesthetic and sense or feel the aura.

Once proficient with auras clothes and wall colors won't matter.

“There are over seven billion paths to Heaven.”
“There are over seven billion paths to Heaven.”